Οι ωραιότερες ναυτιλιακές φωτογραφίες της εβδομάδας


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Ακολουθούν οι 6 ωραιότερες, ναυτιλιακές φωτογραφίες της εβδομάδας 25 – 31 Ιανουαρίου 2021:

6. Sailing towards the horizon Credits to Panagiotis Kakouras

6. Sailing towards the horizon
Credits to Panagiotis Kakouras

5. Natural bridge Credits to Maria Roussa

5. Natural bridge
Credits to Maria Roussa

4 Surrounded by the ocean Credits to Konstantinos Karakousis

4 Surrounded by the ocean
Credits to Konstantinos Karakousis

3. Ship bridge in black&white Credits to  Nicolas_3pa

3. Ship bridge in black&white
Credits to Nicolas_3pa

2. Heaven on earth Credits to Despoina Nomikou

2. Heaven on earth
Credits to Despoina Nomikou

1. Sky full of stars Credits to Ioannis Gazis

1. Sky full of stars
Credits to Ioannis Gazis