Page 11 - - Annual Report 2023
P. 11

The Embassy of British and Norway in
                                                                          Greece and co-organised a
                                                                          Conference entitled "MARPOL at 50 - Our
                                                                          commitment goes on", which took place on
                                                                          Monday, November 13, 2023,
                                                                          at the Eugenides Foundation Planetarium

       organised a lecture titled
                           “Global Transportation
       of Dry Bulk Cargo:  Supply, Demand and the
                                Role of Shipping”,
                      on Thursday 23, 2023 at the
                  Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation.
                    The speaker of the lecture was
             Capt. Nikos Triantafyllakis, Managing
                           Director, W Marine Inc.

                                                                 returned to Chios for
                                                                          the 28th "Go Maritime" event that took
                                                                          place at the Merchant Marine Academy
                                                                          of Chios on November 5, 2023,
                                                                          with the participation of 300 students

              in collaboration with
                                       the University
                                of Piraeus organised
                  the “Blue Economy: Challenges and
             Opportunities for the transition to a new
                 blue economy era”, on May 2, 2023,
               at the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation
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