Page 3 - - Annual Report 2023
P. 3

At a glance

                            Since  2015,  has  managed  to  maintain  an  open  and
                            continuous  dialogue  between  the  new  generation  and  the

                            maritime community, thanks to the valuable support of over 100
                            shipping and shipping-related companies.

                            Within  2023,  the  team  invested  heavily  in  further
                            developing  its  digital  network,  reaching  new  milestones,  and

                            producing useful content for the younger generation of seafarers
                            and maritime executives.

                            At the same time, has remained focused on educating
                            and informing students and young professionals all over Greece

                                 Fundamentals  of  the  maritime  industry  by  establishing  the
                                 Monthly  Lectures,  throught  which,  acclaimed  executives
                                 share valuable knowledge on a wide range of topics.

                                 New technologies and driving forces of the maritime industry
                                 by organising seminars and conferences throughout the year.

                            The “Go Maritime” events, which has been organising
                            since  2015,  stayed  at  the  heart  of  our  initiatives  and  efforts.
                            These  events'  primary  aim  is  to  connect  students  from  all  12

                            Greek Merchant Marine Academies with shipping companies and
                            prepare them for their first educational trip onboard ships.

                            As  always,  all  events  and  content  remained  freely
                            accessible to all, thanks to the kind support of all the supporting

                            organisations, institutions and companies.

                            2024  will  bring  more  exciting  news  and  initiatives,  including  a
                            brand new website, new social media content, events, etc.

                                                constitutes a unique
                                                platform providing vital information

                                               on the challenges and requirements

                                     of the maritime and seafaring professions
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